Aminet Uploads vom 22.05.1999

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Aminet Mirrorliste

AmBoS-Demo.lha       comm/ambos 1.4M+AmBoS 2.98 - Board Bulletin System (comp
CLMailList.lha       comm/bbs    19K+Connectline Mailinglist Server (german)
AmiVNC.lha           comm/tcp    70K+Experimental VNC server for Amiga w/C so
netinfo.lha          comm/tcp   236K+GUI Traceroute/Network Info Viewer
SMSSend.lha          comm/tcp     8K+Send SMS messages from the command line
W95_SLIP.lha         comm/tcp     6K+Amiga SLIP with win95/98
obligement15.lha     demo/mag   827K+Obligement #15 - Famous FRENCH fanzine !
wpz-info06.lha       demo/mag    89K+WhelpzInfo issue#o6. Minimagazine about 
StatsFuncs.lha       dev/basic   47K+Even more Blitz statements & functions!
dice-docs-3-xx.lha   dev/c      333K+DICE Compiler Documentation (AmigaGuide)
dicedocs3-html.lha   dev/c      436K+DICE Compiler Documentation (HTML)
MCC_Pkb14_5.lha      dev/mui    157K+Piano keyboard, MUI-Class
Guru.lha             game/gag    29K+Faithful recreation of Guru Meditation :
spasimon.lha         game/hint    4K+Spanish sol for Simon the Simon sorcerer
Reboot-StartV3.lha   game/patch  45K+Reboot & Start your games FIANL VERSION!
SwosEditor_151.lha   game/patch 135K+Allows Editing of SWOS Save Games.
WHDUtopia.lha        game/patch  19K+HD Installer for Utopia V1.1
CrazyUPD.lha         game/think 285K+Update Crazy8 v2.7/v2.8 to v2.9c
Show040.lha          gfx/show   382K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (040) V2.2
ShowPPC.lha          gfx/show   376K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (PPC) V2.2
DAlmanac_Exe.lha     misc/sci   502K+Next Generation Planetarium (1.3)
hccbi1sw.lha         mods/hardc 263K+1st place in Commence Battle Compo 1 - S
KLschlachtfeld.mpg   mods/mpg   3.8M+Kreislaeufer : Schlachtfeld
AP4Recto.jpg         pix/misc   770K+AMiGa=PoWeR N 4 Cover Recto
glowiconsmix.lha     pix/nicon   46K+Some more icons in GlowIcons' style
TransFont_2.3a.lha   text/font   55K+Bitmap font code page converter
DiskKicker.lha       util/cdity   7K+DiskKicker -  avoid HDD spin downs (v1.0
meautostart.lha      util/cdity  47K+Autostart function like Wind**s 95,1.4
DAMAP-DT.lha         util/dtype   8K+DT for Digital Almanac II textures
Import_HTML.lha      util/rexx    5K+HTML import script version 3.0 for Wordw
AddBuffers.lha       util/sys     3K+Replaces original AddBuffers command (38
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© Petra Struck 22.05.1999